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Photo of Sue Akin

Sue Akin

504 Coordinator K-12

I was born in South Africa, lived in Los Angeles, where my two daughters were born, and moved to Colorado after 20 years. I taught elementary school for 35 years, and this will be my sixth year at SVA as a 504 Coordinator. Year Started at SVA: 2019 Favorite Things College/University: California State University of NorthridgeRead More

I was born in South Africa, lived in Los Angeles, where my two daughters were born, and moved to Colorado after 20 years. I taught elementary school for 35 years, and this will be my sixth year at SVA as a 504 Coordinator.

Year Started at SVA: 2019
Favorite Things
College/University: California State University of Northridge

Photo of Cintia Aleman

Cintia Aleman

Business Services Manager

My professional background ranges from developing internal procedures, working with financial institutions, and liaising with internal and external stakeholders. I’ve had the opportunity to work in higher education as well as the private sector. I enjoy working at SVA and supporting the wonderful staff we have in the building!

I interact with both staff and families in various aspects.…Read More

My professional background ranges from developing internal procedures, working with financial institutions, and liaising with internal and external stakeholders. I’ve had the opportunity to work in higher education as well as the private sector. I enjoy working at SVA and supporting the wonderful staff we have in the building!

I interact with both staff and families in various aspects. My responsibilities include tuition billing for preschool/BASE/Beyond the Bell, student fees billing for K-12 grades, accounts payable, and purchasing, among other operational tasks. I process the Free and Reduced Lunch Program letters and work with K-12 families who request to be placed on a payment plan for registration/course fees.

Both my kids attend SVA, a high schooler and a middle schooler. My oldest child started preschool at SVA in August 2012, and we have been so happy here!

Year Started at SVA: Started in the Business Office in 2019. Started subbing in 2016-17.
Favorite Things
College/University: University of Colorado at Denver: MS in Management. University of Colorado at Denver: BS in Business Administration

Photo of Ethan Atchley

Ethan Atchley

Instructional Support Professional

Hello! My name is Ethan Atchley, and I am the ISP at SVA. I just moved here to Denver after graduating with my English Education degree from Nelson University in Waxahachie, Texas. I love teaching middle and high school, and I'm so excited to start this journey at SVA! Year Started at SVA: 2025 Favorite Things College/University: Nelson UniversityRead More

Hello! My name is Ethan Atchley, and I am the ISP at SVA. I just moved here to Denver after graduating with my English Education degree from Nelson University in Waxahachie, Texas. I love teaching middle and high school, and I'm so excited to start this journey at SVA!

Year Started at SVA: 2025
Favorite Things
College/University: Nelson University

SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130


Enrollment & Records: 

SkyView Academy Nondiscrimination Notice: SkyView Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. SkyView Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. For more information, visit the Student Support Services page under Schools.
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