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You've Been Flocked!

SkyView is so excited that our Flock has returned and is ready to "flock" to a home near you!

Where will the Flock go next?!
Flocked by SkyView

What is the Flock?

The SkyView Flock is a special group of flamingos who love to visit families who are celebrating a birthday, a new baby, opening night, closing night, winning a special game, reaching a new goal, checking off a bucket list dream, receiving an award or honor, or just because... The Flock loves to celebrate and make a BIG SPLASH!

Here is How it Works

Total Cost: $25 which includes 13 flamingos plus a, “You’ve Been Flocked by SkyView Academy” sign to accompany the equipment. 

Please be sure to adhere to all guidelines:

Share your experience!
We would love to see your pictures of the Flock! 
Share them with or use this hashtag on social media #flockedbysva 

SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130



SkyView Academy Nondiscrimination Notice: SkyView Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. SkyView Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. For more information, visit the Student Support Services page under Schools.


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