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Parents Guide

Welcome to SkyView Academy! Whether you are a new family or getting reacquainted after a long summer vacation, we are so glad you are here. As you settle in, here are some key items that may help you find your way around.

Uniforms: SkyView sells pre-owned uniforms in our Hawk Shop. You can also find uniforms at various vendors such as Lands End, Educational Outfitters, Old Navy, etc. SkyView only allows embroidery by certain vendors. You can find out more about uniforms in our K-8 policy here.

My School Bucks: To add money to your student(s) lunch account, pay school fees, or purchase certain school event tickets, you must set up your SkyView My School Bucks account. You can set that up here and learn how to download the app.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal: To check your student(s) grades, schedule, attendance, update household and emergency contact information, etc., you will need to access your Parent Portal. Your Parent portal is essential in keeping track of your student(s) personal information. Find your portal and instructions on how to set up the app here.

Communication Channels: SkyView has many methods of communication. Make sure to stay up to date with communication so that you are aware of what is happening each day.

School Supplies: School supplies can be found here.

School Calendar: The school calendar and our current News and Events can be found here.

Volunteer: Learn how much you can volunteer, how to sign up, and more here.

Carpool with other SkyView Families through the Way To Go Program. Find out more here.

Traffic and Parking: Click here to find out about our traffic and carline. We also have a video that explains our afternoon pickup process. If you are an elementary family, you must download the Hawks Out app for easy pickup. Instructions are in the PM traffic directions here.

Handbooks: Access student and parent handbooks here.

High School Policies and Procedures: The high school at SkyView has many policies and procedures that are specific to high school students. Click here to access the high school policies and procedures.

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SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130


Enrollment & Records: 

SkyView Academy Nondiscrimination Notice: SkyView Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. SkyView Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. For more information, visit the Student Support Services page under Schools.
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