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Board of Directors

The SkyView Academy Board of Directors governs the school in accordance with the school’s bylaws and provides high level oversight. The Board sets policy in order to support and maintain the school’s mission, vision, strategic plan and educational philosophy and leaves the day-to-day management of the school to the Head of Schools, Head of Operations and administrative team. It designates standing committees consisting of finance, governance and the school academic advisory committee (SAAC) to help ensure the school stays viable and committed to its mission and vision.

To contact the Board with inquiries about board meetings, public comments and/or agenda items, please email:

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Photo of Adam Fiedor

Adam Fiedor


If you search for Adam Fiedor on the internet, you will find that I am an investment banker who works with business owners and entrepreneurs on transitioning their companies to new ownership. You may even run across the fun fact that I previously worked on Wall Street and have a history of consulting with boards of directors with strategy planning, financial analysis, and mergers & acquisitions.…Read More
Board of Directors

If you search for Adam Fiedor on the internet, you will find that I am an investment banker who works with business owners and entrepreneurs on transitioning their companies to new ownership. You may even run across the fun fact that I previously worked on Wall Street and have a history of consulting with boards of directors with strategy planning, financial analysis, and mergers & acquisitions. If you dig far enough, you may even find that I am an advisory board member and regular guest lecturer for the University of Denver Reiman School of Finance. I also happen to have studied at the University of Denver as well as Harvard Business School. I previously served on a non-profit board – Cottonwood Institute.

What you will not find on the internet is that I am the first-born son to Polish immigrants who raised me in the south Chicagoland area. As a teenager, I had a colorful past and have made mistakes along the way. I am not perfect, but I succeeded in being the first of my immediate family ever to finish college. Along the way, I fell in love with a woman that is out of my league, Barb Fiedor, who keeps me honest and on my toes. We are raising three wonderful SkyView students – Lukas, Kaija, and Savannah – who continue to surprise me in good ways and test my patience.

My kids have asked me why I want to be a director. Secretly, they believe that I am doing this, so I have direct access to their teachers to spy on them. My public answer to them is that I want to help SkyView become the best, pay it forward because someone has to, and be a great example to all of our kids.

SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130


Enrollment & Records: 

SkyView Academy Nondiscrimination Notice: SkyView Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. SkyView Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. For more information, visit the Student Support Services page under Schools.
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