Dear Families,
Our community diligently supports the efforts of our entire staff and faculty. I am incredibly grateful for that. Today, I share a reminder of one of the easiest ways to support our school and ensure that we receive our Per-Pupil Revenue (PPR) from the state of Colorado-participate in Count Day by ensuring your scholar(s) attendance.
Each year, the Colorado Department of Education identifies October 1st as the official count day for schools across the state. This year, count day falls on Tuesday, October 1st.
Count day ensures that the state appropriately allocates the correct funding for each school based on student enrollment. The Colorado State Legislature approved a PPR dollar amount of $10,695 per enrolled student.
As a charter school, the SVA budget depends mainly on the PPR provided by the state to fund the following:
Thank you in advance for your support of SkyView Academy!
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130
Enrollment & Records: