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Please use the Attendance Notification Form to report all absences, appointments, early dismissal, recurring late arrival/early dismissal, and permission for someone to check out your student. The form can also be used to communicate with the attendance office. 

Please submit an Extended Absence Form for all absences 3 days or more to your principal for approval AT LEAST TWO WEEKS in advance of the absence.

Assemblies: Students will not be allowed to come in or be signed out of school during an assembly (K-12) and grade-level meetings (9-12). If a student is checked in during an assembly, they will wait in the main office until the assembly is finished. If a parent comes to check out a student during an assembly, they must wait until after the assembly is completed. Assemblies are listed in the Thursday Wire and on our SVA public calendar. Assemblies are on our SVA public calendar.

Specific procedures and guidelines for excused and unexcused absences are published annually in the SVA Parent-Student Handbooks.  Excessive absences from class frustrate the efforts of teachers and add stress to students' ability to keep up with missing work. Students are expected to attend all classes, and as a reminder, SVA maintains a closed campus.

Attendance Policy 

High School Late Arrival/Early Dismissal Form & Policy

Middle School Late Arrival/Early Dismissal Form

HS JR/SR Study Hall Off-Campus Privileges and Form

SkyView Academy
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130


Enrollment & Records: 

SkyView Academy Nondiscrimination Notice: SkyView Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. SkyView Academy serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. For more information, visit the Student Support Services page under Schools.
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